Dr. Shahnam Seddigh Maroufi
Academic rank: Associate professor
Major: Ph.D. of Medical Education
Department: Anesthesiology
Telephone number: 86704732
Responsibilities of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Education of the School of Allied Medical Sciences
The Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Education is in charge of planning, managing, and directing all academic activities at undergraduate and graduate levels, monitoring the implementation of academic regulations and by-laws, decision-making on academic affairs; policy-making and decision-making on academic development and quality enhancement, organizing and evaluating training programs; and directing the affairs related to faculty members.
- :Responsibilities of this Vice-Chancellery are as follows
- Long-term, operational planning in related areas
- Planning academic affairs based on School’s priorities in cooperation with relevant units and departments, monitoring the performance of subordinate units, implementing and evaluating programs, and reporting to the Board of Directors
- Planning for communication with Iranian and international institutes in order to promote educational cooperation through international academic and scientific exchanges
- Planning for faculty members’ use of sabbatical leaves inside and outside the country in accordance with approved regulations
- Planning to promote students’ scientific and specialized skills to enter the society
- Planning for honor students and exceptional talents to use relevant academic by-laws
- Communicating all approvals and by-laws notified by the Vice-Chancellor for Education and the School Dean to units as well as following up and monitoring their correct implementation
- Drafting of the regulations, by-laws, and minutes of meetings related to the duties of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Education to be proposed to competent authorities for approval
- Performing affairs related to the annual promotion of faculty members
- Presenting the required feasibility reports to the School Dean on the duties of its subdivisions
- Suggesting eligible candidates for managerial posts in the Vice-Chancellery to the School Dean
- Cooperating with other vice-chancelleries to accurately implement programs
- Managing and monitoring the accurate implementation of all educational policies, regulations, and processes of the School in line with rules, approvals, regulations, and administrative by-laws related to the development of graduate programs
- Monitoring and evaluating the performance of students and faculty members
- Holding empowerment and knowledge-enhancement courses for students and faculty members
- Evaluating and revising curricula in order to update and enrich value-orientation and offering suggestions to the Ministry based on the program
- Evaluating available seats for new admissions
- Coordinating for affairs related to classes, course enrollment, registration, adding/dropping classes, examinations, educations certificates, banquets, drop-outs, extension of maximum period of study, grade registration, etc.
- Administration of comprehensive examinations for PhD students,
- Submission of the decisions reached by the Council for Education of the School to its university counterpart,
- Enforcement of the decisions announced by the Council for Education of the University,
- Correspondence with the faculty members, students, and alumni of the School in accordance with University regulations,
- Networking and academic collaboration with other schools of the University and other universities,
- Decision-making in relation to the enhancement of the School's education quality
- Receiving approvals for running new disciplines
- Developing and running of short-term training courses,
- Annual budget proposal in accordance with School priorities,
- Planning for the provision of educational facilities,
- Supervision of educational laboratories and proposing the establishment of new laboratories if needed
Determining faculty job descriptions and time allocation (time spent on teaching, research, service activities, etc.)
Proposing new faculty members and supervision of faculty recruitment processes in line with University policies
Invitation of visiting professors if necessary
Review of faculty academic tenure appointments
Supervision of faculty evaluations
Guidance, supervision, and approval of the titles of graduate theses
Other duties assigned by superior authorities
The Four-Year Strategic Plan of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Education
Mission: Offering academic services to students based on approved national curricula and international standards in order to educate students capable of providing healthcare, diagnostic, therapeutic, educational, or research services to meet national requirements based on their discipline and program and the defined objectives
Vision: Ranking the first among Iranian schools of allied medical sciences
- Adherence to ethical and religious principles
- Maintaining human dignity
- Transparency and accountability to clients
- Equity and equality
- Continuous innovation and improvement
- Valuing group work
- Comprehensive services
A. Cooperation to strengthen the University’s management and leadership
- Emphasizing departments as the basic units of education
- Fortifying the status of department heads
- Granting independence to departments
- Strengthening the department system and the double affiliation of faculty members
- Encouraging departments to actively participate in the revision of syllabi and programs at the national level
- Strengthening the School’s Education and Graduate Education Council
- Strengthening the Educational Development Office
B. Developing and strengthening a health-oriented and responsive educational system
- Paving the way for offering healthcare, diagnostic, and therapeutic services by departments in clinical units
- Providing the possibility of the presence of students at various levels in clinical units
- Encouraging departments to include healthcare, diagnostic, and therapeutic field works and internships in programs during revision
- Strengthening the supervision on field work and internship units
- Proposing the establishment of new and applied graduate education programs
C. Developing the School’s academic programs
- Expanding inter-school, inter-university, and international relationships regarding short- and long-term training
- Receiving approvals for the establishment of newly approved graduate programs
- Developing curricula for new disciplines and programs
- Encouraging faculty members to incorporate novel educational methods
- Encouraging faculty members to conduct research relevant to education
- Providing the possibility of enrolling foreign students
- Effectively cooperating to fortify the educational network of the School
- Equipping and renovating University laboratories
- Optimizing the use of educational and laboratory spaces
- Encouraging eligible professors to admit Ph.D. researchers
D. Developing academic human resources
- Supporting professors financially and spiritually as much as possible
- Employing new faculty members and correcting the scientific pyramid of faculty members
- Accelerating the process of promotion for professors
E. Developing academic hubs
- Empowering departments to establish new graduate disciplines
- Employing notable faculty members for existing disciplines
- Revising the academic mission of existing departments
F. Admitting students
- Paving the way for the admission of top students
- Suggesting corrective methods for student admission
G. Creating a directive educational atmosphere
- Fortifying self-directed learning
- Fortifying student-oriented education
H. Attracting financial resources
- Determining appropriate strategies for establishing practical relations with the industry
- Idea-generation regarding applied projects, especially the theses/dissertations of graduate students