Dr. Ali Amini
Academic rank: Assistant Professor
Major: Hematology
Department: Hematology
Telephone number: 86704711
Email address:
Responsibilities of the School Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Research
1. preparing a schedule for accepting and approving peer research projects based on the University schedule
2. Sending research projects to administrators for scientific review and feedback
3. Arranging the schedule and holding the School’s Research Council meetings
4. Examining and evaluating ethical consent forms for theses/dissertations
5. Final examination of research projects in Pajooheshyar system and sending them in the electronic form to the University’s Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Research
6. Participating in the meetings of the University’s Research Council and final approval of projects
7. Sending final feedback on projects discussed in the University’s Research Council
8. Follow-up for the execution of research projects and writing reports on the progress of projects or lack thereof
9. Receiving 50%, 80%, and final reports on research projects
10. Holding scientific lectures at the School
11. Follow-up of correspondence in the University's Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Research and notifying departments and faculty members
The Strategic and Operational Plan of the Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Research

Our goal is to become the leading research center in medical sciences and technology by conducting basic and applied research on medical sciences and technology.

1. Conducting basic research on medical sciences and technology for science production
2. Conducting required applied research related to medical sciences and technology on industry, health, and treatment
3. Providing an appropriate space in terms of laboratory equipment and facilities and motivated researchers in order to conduct research
4. Communicating with other scientific centers and attracting extra-organizational funds

Creative and competent faculty members in various disciplines
 Ms. and Ph.D. graduate programs
 Communication and cooperation with other research centers and organizations
Access to most scientific websites
 Top-ranking students interested in product-oriented research

 Positive attitude of University officials regarding science production
 Extra-organizational funds
 Support of the Presidential Vice-Chancellor’s Office for Science and Technology
 Existence of numerous research centers in and out of the University
Existence of specialized and sub-specialized centers in affiliated hospitals with the University
 Faculty members’ holding of managerial posts
 Researchers’ attitude towards applied research
 Slow progress in the production of science and technology compared to the international progress
Economic sanctions1. Allocation of state funds and facilities to few centers  

  General goals
1. Strengthening the dominance of research
2. Establishing a Research Council and prioritizing research
3. Adherence to the principle of research integration and convergence among departments after setting priorities in the Research Council
4. Fortifying the research infrastructure
5. Moving from training mere researchers to technologist researchers
6. Directing research purposes towards technological and applied science production
7. Expanding international affairs and cooperation

1. Establishing the R&D Office and cooperating with the industry and society for expanding the provision of services
2. Founding the KTE Office
3. Founding the International Research Monitoring Office and organizing seminars and festivals
4. Innovating the establishment of the Exceptional Talent Development Center and Students’ Research Center in a problem-based and priority-oriented manner
5. Establishing national and international science Olympiads
6. Establishing the Scientific Composition and Export Movement Office
7. Establishing research centers
8. Establishing Scientific-Research and international journals and enhancing their quality
9. Re-engineering administrative and incentive guidelines for stakeholders
10. Conducting applied research needed by society on treatment, health, and industries
11. Changing students’ research parameters based on the outputs of theses/dissertations
12. Developing science production by increasing the publication of credible papers in Iranian and foreign journals
13. Teaching the principles of technology and patenting
14. Teaching the principles of product manufacture and marketing and registering knowledge enterprises
15. Registering knowledge enterprises with the cooperation of stakeholders
16. Conducting clinic-based research through the cooperation of medical faculty members with health centers in modern clinic-related affairs
17. Admitting foreign students
18. Cooperating with international centers and signing research and educational cooperation agreements
19. Expanding and fortifying the School's Student Research Committee

Suggested research priorities
  1. Basic and translational medical research
  2. Designing and using cellular and animal laboratory models for basic and pre-clinical research on diseases
  3. Molecular aspects of cancer
  4. Nanomedicine
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